Tuesday, 12 January 2010

past events

Tuesday 12 January; Mystery Animals in London. Talk by Neil Arnold at The London Earth Mysteries Circle, The Theosophical Society, 50 Gloucester Place, W1U 8EA. Cost £4.50, members £3, concessions £4.Talks are on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month at 7PM. http://www.londonearth.com/

Wednesday 13 January; Aleister Crowley’s Egypt. Talk by Paul Feazey, editor of Thelema website LAShTAL.com at Treadwells, 34 Tavistock Street, Covent Garden, London WC2E 7PB. 7.15pm for 7.30pm start. Entry £7, advance booking necessary. Tel: 020 7240 8906 or email: info@treadwells-london.com.

Thursday 14 January; Stories from the City Walk with Scott Wood of South East London Folklore Society. Meet up at 7.30pm for a walk from the steps of the Royal Exchange, London, at the confluence of Threadneedle Street and Cornhill for an introduction the world of SELFS: ruined megaliths, pagan London, urban witch trials, marital strife from beyond the grave, contemporary shrines and more folklore and strangeness. Cost: £2.50 / £1.50 concessions. http://members.multimania.co.uk/skitster/

Saturday 16 January. Wassail by Hunters Moon at Middle Farm, Firle, East Sussex BN8 6LJ. An open ritual in the apple orchards plus barn dance, Morris dancing and a barbecue. Dress warmly and bring your wellies. Free entry. From 6pm to 11pm. For more details call 01323 769848 or visit http://www.middlefarm.com/02_whatson.htm or http://www.huntersmoonmorris.co.uk/

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