Sunday, 31 January 2010

past events

Sunday 31 January, Cross-Quarter day Festival of Imbolc celebration with the Loose Association of Druids in the Hawthorne Grove on Primrose Hill, London NW1 8YH (entrance opposite Rothwell St) from 12.45pm - 1.45pm. Afterwards there will be a social at The Washington Public House, 50 Englands Lane, London NW3 4YD. All are welcome.

Sunday January 31 Anderida Gorsedd open ritual at the Long Man of Wilmington, Sussex. Meet near the car park between 1.30pm and 2pm for a walk up to the chalk hill figure at 2pm. Afterwards back to the Giants Rest pub in Wilmington for a social drink together.

Monday 1 February; The Goddess Temple at Knossos. Talk by Simon Michel at pagan forum Secret Chiefs at its new regular meeting time of every other Monday. Venue: Devereux public house, 20 Devereux Court, off Essex Street, London WC2R 3JJ. Meet from 7.30pm, event starts at 8.30pm. Admission £2.

Monday 1 February; Open Imbolc riutal at Joss Bay, Broadstair, Kent. Gather in the car park above Joss Bay beach, just below the North Foreland Lighthouse. The ritual will take place on the beach unless it rains, in which case it will take place in the Red Lion pub in Ramsgate. The event starts at 7.30pm. All are welcome. Call 01843 228011 for more details.

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